It's time to say NO to ageism

Help us champion a Minnesota free of ageism.


The United Nations General Assembly declared 2021–2030 the Decade of Healthy Ageing and the World Health Organization is implementing a global collaboration that is bringing together governments, civil society, agencies, professionals, academia, media and private sector leaders for 10 years of concerted, catalytic and collaborative action to foster longer and healthier lives.

You can review the Global Report on Ageism, which outlines the nature and scale of this international challenge and evidence-based solutions you can apply in your life and work.


Jane Fonda with a Secret of Aging Well

CBS News

Frame of Mind: The Why and How of Reframing Aging

National Center to Reframe Aging


Addressing Ageism: Key Issues and Need for Action

The Center for Healthy Aging and Innovation's 2023 Spring Speaker Series

Together, we are taking this effort from the global level to communities across Minnesota, supporting what each of us can do to help reduce health inequities and improve our lives as we age. We do this through collective action in four areas:

  1. changing how we think, feel and act towards age and ageism;
  2. developing our organizations and communities in ways that foster our abilities as we age;
  3. delivering person-centered and integrated care that is responsive to us as we age; and
  4. providing older Minnesotans who need it with access to quality long-term services and supports.


Words Matter.

We know that the everyday language we use makes a difference.  Check out and share these two #agefriendlymn videos as a creative way to start a conversation with people in your personal or professional worlds. Together, we can role model better language choices in Minnesota. While these may seem like small examples, we know that big societal change grows from the small, everyday moments that add up over time.



We were pleased to partner with the National Center to Reframe Aging on the Reframe Aging Minnesota efforts because they are dedicated to ending ageism by advancing an equitable and complete story about aging in America. They are the trusted source for proven communication strategies and tools to effectively frame aging issues as well as the nation’s leading organization cultivating an active community of individuals and organizations to spread awareness of implicit bias toward older people and influence policies and programs that benefit all of us as we age. Led by The Gerontological Society of America, the National Center acts on behalf of and amplifies efforts of the ten Leaders of Aging Organizations.

For example, here is their Brief Guide to Responding to Ageist Election Coverage in the Media


Her book, This Chair Rocks: A Manifesto Against Ageism is just one way Ashton Applewhite has been working to help catalyze a movement to make discrimination on the basis of age as unacceptable as any other kind.

A frequent speaker in Minnesota, you don't have to wait for her return to see her TED Talk or engage her with questions directly in her Blog, Yo Is This Ageist?


Old School is a clearinghouse of free and carefully vetted resources to educate people about ageism and help dismantle it. The brainchild of anti-ageism activist Ashton Applewhite, who created it with Ryan Backer and Kyrié Carpenter, their goal is to help catalyze a movement to make ageism as unacceptable as any other kind of prejudice.


Created by the Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program, this Addressing Ageism in Healthcare Toolkit is designed to help us all reflect on ageism and understand better how it affects the care and health of older adults, in particular. 

This toolkit contains two components: a Learner Module and a compendium of Teaching and Learning Resources.


Breaking the Age Code is a landmark work, presenting not only easy-to-follow techniques for improving age beliefs so they can contribute to successful aging, but also a blueprint to reduce structural ageism for lasting change and an age-just society.

Yale professor and leading expert on the psychology of successful aging, Dr. Becca Levy, draws on her ground-breaking research to show how age beliefs can be improved so they benefit all aspects of the aging process, including the way genes operate and the extension of life expectancy by 7.5 years.


Dr. Tracey Gendron's new book Ageism Unmasked: Exploring Age Bias and How to End It, is a bold account of the history and present-day realities of ageism by a nationally recognized gerontologist and speaker uncovers ageism’s roots, impact, and how each of us can create a new reality of elderhood.

With over 25 years of experience as a grant-funded researcher and a nationally recognized speaker, Tracey Gendron has spoken about ageism in forums across America and has also appeared on numerous podcasts and video productions.


Most older adults say they’ve experienced ageism, but the majority still hold positive attitudes toward aging, notes the National Poll on Healthy Aging from the University of Michigan's Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation. Learn more about their findings.


Ageism Awareness Day is Oct. 9, 2024. We need as many people as possible to spread the word on their social media platforms. You can gain more information on this national campaign from the American Society on Aging's, including tools to help you:

  • Be a role model for aging by having meaningful conversations about age to help spark change and change age stereotypes.
  • Share your Ageism Awareness Day activities with your network.
  • Be active on social media and like, comment and share posts about Ageism Awareness Day using #AgeismAwarenessDay and #TalkAboutAgeism so others can find you!


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