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The AGEnda

Championing Strong Policy Solutions 

Workingt together, we mobilize collective expertise and networks to develop and advance transformational aging policy and initiatives.
Would you like to have the endorsement of the MN Leadership Council on Aging on a policy solution you're advancing in the 2025 Legislative Session? Click on the red button to submit a proposal. Requests will be reviewed as time allows throughout the 2025 Legislative Session.

Endorsed Proposals


  • We support a policy proposal at the Legislative Task Force on Aging and in the 2025 Legislative Session that makes permanent the needed authority and funding to continue the Age-Friendly Minnesota Council, including community grantmaking and Multisector Blueprint for Aging efforts.

Additional proposals are currently under review.

Our Endorsement Process

I. Submitting Your Proposal

Anyone may submit a policy solution for endorsement by the Leadership Council via our online form or by contacting the Executive Director. Submissions explore the type of endorsement requested, including:

  1. Use of the Leadership Council's name as having endorsed the proposal
  2. Letter of Support
  3. Op-Ed article for distribution (created collaboratively with the Policy Committee Chair and approved by Board of Directors)
  4. Testimony (members or Executive Director)
  5. Other requests, such as participation in a rally, letter writing campaign, hosting a meeting with legislators, etc.

Submissions also require a brief description of the policy solution (background, high level bill summary), the House and/or Senate File Numbers (if known) and any other comments.

II. Policy Committee Review

Submissions are shared with all Leadership Council Delegates at least 48 hours before the Policy Committee conducts a preliminary review of each proposal, which includes a discussion of three primary criteria questions:

  1. Does the proposal align with the mission and values of the Leadership Council?
  2. Would the proposal positively benefit from Leadership Council endorsement?
  3. Would endorsement introduce significant organizational risk, divide Leadership Council members or negatively impact our trusted brand?

The Policy Committee votes on each proposal and advances those recommendations to the Leadership Council for consideration. Each Policy Committee member organization holds one vote, and the majority must vote in the affirmative for it to advance. If it does not advance, the submitter is notified.

III. Leadership Council Decision

Within 24 hours, the Policy Committee recommendations and all documentation is sent to all Leadership Council Delegates, who then have 72 hours (over business days) to vote. All members must vote in the affirmative for passage of the endorsement. Even one Council Delegate veto stops the proposal from being endorsed. Submitters are then notified of the Leadership Council's position.

This final decision is binding and not appealable. If significant modifications to the proposal occur, the proposal can be resubmitted for endorsement.

The contacts who submit proposals will then be notified and our policy endorsements will be posted on this page. The Executive Director will work with submitters on required next steps, materials and action steps to fulfil the approved endorsements of the Leadership Council. 

Upcoming Events

Activities of Note

Multisector Blueprint for Aging

Led by the Age-Friendly Minnesota Council, this is an inclusive statewide effort to develop a 10-year plan for aging in Minnesota. Co-developed by communities across the state, it provides an opportunity to promote aging in all policies and programs, build relationships across different partners, raise awareness among key decision makers and lawmakers around how policies, investments, and systems impact people throughout life stages, and as a living document, can be adapted at the local level. 

Learn more about Age-Friendly Minnesota's work >

MN Legislative Task Force on Aging

Established by the 2023 Legislature to review and develop state resources, as well as identify and prioritize necessary supports for our aging population, and to ensure aging-related state policies are inclusive, the Legislative Task Force on Aging included Rep. Ginny Klevorn (Chair), Rep. Natalie Zeleznikar, Sen. Alice Mann, Sen. Karin Housley, Maureen Schneider, Jen Foley, Joe Gaugler and Councilwoman Agatha Armstrong. You can now read their final report or learn more >

Minnesota Leadership Council on Aging provided testimony to the Legislative Task Force on Aging on Friday, April 12, 2024. Review this excerpt recording or learn more.

Download a copy of the comments >

Learn about the Legislative Task Force on Aging >

Learn about the Age-Friendly Minnesota Blueprint >

Policy Coalitions

MN Leadership Council on Aging

First and foremost, our shared policy work as leading organizations across Minnesota gives us a unique vantage point to create proactive, collaborative policy solutions. Representing well over a million older adults as well as their family and career caregivers, our partnership provides a thoughtful and rigorous table to develop and advance the right public policy. For the right reasons. At the right time. Visit this page > to learn more about our members. 


AGEnda is an experiment that began in 2021 to create a collective impact approach to aging policy in Minnesota. All are invited to participate in various meetings that have been co-convened by the Minnesota Leadership Council on Aging, the Age-Friendly Minnesota Council and the Minnesota Board on Aging. This is a multi-year, full-sector approach to elevating and enhancing aging in our state.

Visit this page > today to learn more about the grounding information setting the stage for shared efforts ahead.

Volunteer Driver Coalition

The Volunteer Driver Coalition came together in 2019 with leadership from various Minnesota non-profit organizations, cities, counties, Area Agencies on Aging, Regional Transportation Coordinating Councils, associations, and others like the Minnesota Leadership Council on Aging. Together, we support the Coalition’s initiative to strengthen volunteer driver programs in Minnesota.

Visit their website > today to learn more information, see the coalition members involved, and learn how you can help by getting involved in legislative solutions.

Learn More

Contact Executive Director Adam Suomala today at 651-271-3116 or adam@mnlcoa.org to learn more about the Leadership Council's policy work. 
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