The Circle

We build trusted connections that bring forward and center the full diversity of voices aging across our state. 

Each MN Leadership Council on Aging Delegate serves on a small cohort that meets at least quarterly to explore big questions.

To help us grow together as a community of leaders, we commit to coming to these shared tables with a spirit of collaboration and an interest in cultivating understanding and learning together.

Each Delegate holds an important role of service to their Circle.


SCHEDULERS  are responsible for setting the stage by working with your cohort to find a time and location to gather. From a morning coffee shop connection to a happy hour in someone's living room, you will guide the group's decision of when and where to convene. We ask each cohort to meet at least once per quarter in-person and that you schedule as far in advance as possible to respect busy calendars. When selecting a location, please also consider reasonable travel distances, limit out-of-pocket expenses, and shoot for a vibe that feels more like a group of friends getting together for a conversation than a business meeting. 

NURTURERS are responsible for ensuring a respectful environment that meets our established group norms. From helping to ensure everyone's voice is being heard to keeping an eye on the logistics (such as comfortable seating for everyone or nourishing food and beverages), it is your role to keep an eye on how best to support and help each person experience a welcoming and inclusive culture.

RECORDERS are responsible for keeping a brief synopsis of the discussion highlights in an effort to support your Circle's Speaker. From active listening to jotting down a few of any themes as they emerge, we ask you to share a very brief summary synthesizing your cohort's reflection on the question. This doesn't need to be long - just the key lessons you want to share, or follow-up items to share with the full Leadership Council.

SUPPORTERS are responsible for stepping in wherever is needed to ensure the cohort is successful. From following up on attendance to gentle nudges to stay on track, you may be asked to step up into any role to help your Circle. While everyone takes their assigned role seriously, we also know that sometimes we all need to lean on our fellow Delegates. You're the ultimate utility player and the first call for help if needed.

SPEAKERS are responsible for stepping forward to share on behalf of your cohort at a full Leadership Council meeting. From working with the Recorder and your fellow Delegates to make certain that the key talking points you will share are respectful of what might best be kept confidential and what is for the greater good, you will convey the spirit of your conversation as the trusted voice of your Circle.



  • Dawn Simonson (Scheduler)
  • Toby Pearson (Nurturer)
  • Jarrod Peterson (Recorder)
  • Katey Zanotelli Wade (Supporter)
  • Benny Roberts (Speaker)


  • Xavier Vazquez (Scheduler)
  • Ruth Olkon (Nurturer)
  • Paula Woischke (Recorder)
  • Kwangja Kwan (Supporter)
  • Cathy McLeer (Speaker)


  • Ann Bailey (Scheduler)
  • Donna Comer (Nurturer)
  • Jane Pederson (Recorder)
  • Dave Blomquist (Supporter)
  • Kathy Greiner (Speaker)


  • Kristin Rigg (Scheduler)
  • James Falvey (Nurturer)
  • Anjuli Cameron (Recorder)
  • Robert Freeman (Supporter)
  • Mary Niedermeyer (Speaker)


  • Kari Thurlow (Scheduler)
  • George Schoephoerster (Nurturer)
  • Patrick Rowan (Recorder)
  • Julie Manworren (Supporter)
  • Heidi Holste (Speaker)


  • Adero Cobb (Scheduler)
  • Beth Wiggins (Nurturer)
  • Amy Gavanda (Recorder)
  • Rajean Moone (Supporter)
  • Kimelyn Knight (Speaker)


  • Kathy Messerli (Scheduler)
  • Deb Taylor (Nurturer)
  • Amanda Vickstrom (Recorder)
  • Chao Yang (Supporter)
  • Tory Merhar (Speaker)



We generally start each gathering with a personal check-in from each Delegate (as they feel comfortable sharing). It may be helpful to have your Nurturer to offer up a question to start with, such as:

  • What is front of mind for each of you, as you come into the room today?
  • What is a notable experience or development in your life since we last met?
  • What is something you have to give (a lesson learned, a skill you're good at, a resource you've found, etc.)?
  • What is something you need (a question in front of your team, a challenge you're looking to resolve, etc.)? 


Most of our shared time is spent exploring a common question:

  • Quarter 1: Reflecting on personal or professional environments, describe a time when your opinion wasn't the majority opinion in the room. What was that experience like for you? What did you learn?
  • Quarter 2: Question to be announced... 
  • Quarter 3: Question to be announced... 
  • Quarter 4: Question to be announced...


We generally close each meeting by asking the Recorder to briefly review the key themes, stories, examples, or takeaways. It is important all cohort members are clear with the Speaker of anything they prefer to be kept in the Circle compared to what is to be shared with the full Leadership Council at their next meeting.

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